Wine Versus Clothes (the eternal question)
Monday, May 19: In a small car, space is precious. And when schlepping bags up medieval streets, every pound counts. Ergo, we decided that we needed to try to lighten up the suitcases a little, and clear out a little more space from the car if possible. So Monday, we made a small detour through Camp Darby (American base near Livorno) to do some laundry, catch up on email, and use the MPS (Military Postal Service). However, one cannot mail liquids or alcohol through MPS, so we just had to make the tough decisions about what we could get rid of for our next 3 weeks of travel. We got rid of clothes to make room for wine. In the battle between a Brunello and an extra sweater, I’ve got my love to keep me warm. Luckily we also have run-flat tires, because we’re using the spare tire space for wine, wine in the trunk, behind the seats. Given the recent weather and the amount of time that we’re spent doing pleasure reading, we also ditched some of the 100 bottles of sunscreen that I packed, and umpteen unread books. If we get into a serious car accident, the EMT is going to have NO IDEA how so much red could be flowing from such a small car with 2 occupants. Then again, once they discover the true nature of the flow, they would probably stop attending to us, and just start soaking up 2001 Reserves off the pavement.
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