Off to Florence!
We arrived in Florence yesterday evening (5/11). We had intended on doing the entire drive in one day, but after a cookout at my commander's house on Saturday evening we decided to just get a few hours of driving behind us. So we left his place around 9pm and drove about 3 hours to the very southern edge of Germany on the Swiss border. After a little bit of time driving aimlessly, searching for a hotel that was not either $250 per night or in the red light district, we stumbled upon a very nice little place, crashed, and woke up early to get back on the road.
So Sunday we finished the drive, and after a brief planned detour ended up in Florence in the late afternoon. Then, despite guide book warnings to not drive into the center of Florence "under any circumstances," we drove into the center of Florence. It was terrible, but we eventually made it to our hotel. And I do mean "eventually." For reference, the driving into the center of Florence was worse than driving in Paris, but better than Amsterdam, or god forbid Rome. Many a time, I practiced my new favorite Italian word "Maladictione!" (Curses!), and did my best hand gestures at the sky.
The hotel is very nice, and in a wonderful location just over the Piazza della Republica and very near the Duomo. Fortunately, given my driving experience that evening, we had an emergency bottle of wine packed along, which I promptly cracked open. After a little decompression time, we had a very nice dinner at an off-the-beaten-path restaurant recommended by the hotel desk clerk. We started with a crostini plate with chicken livers, champingons, and tomato. Then a local specialty soup called ribollita, which is a thick minestrone type soup with white beans and pureed bread. Suz had a fresh fish baked with rosemary (didn't recognize the local name, but it looked like a dorade). I had a thick cut Florentine steak, also a local specialty. All accompanied with local Chianti. I guess, technically, all Chianti is local in Tuscany.
Today, we have thus far dodged what was supposed to be bad weather. But it's been nice. We visited the Duomo and climbed to the top with spectacular views of the city. Then all the ancient art at the Duomo museum. Then we ate again. Grilled vegetables and pasta. Suz had a simple mushroom sauce, and I had one of wild boar. Cheeses and honey for dessert. And wine. After lunch we walked off our meal by shopping for leather in the central market. Two (yes, two) new purses for Suz and a very nice jacket for me. Now we are back at the hotel relaxing at the coffee bar and writing while we gather up our energy for more food and wine. Tough life it is.
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